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Cuba 2015

When President Obama declared his intention to normalize relations with Cuba, I decided to go in February 2015 and capture images of Cuba before it began to change with the advent of US tourism. I spent 6 days in Havana and 3 days in Trinidad, a small town in the countryside, taking photos. Havana was clearly once one of the wealthiest cities in the world which stunning architecture. However, almost 60 years of neglect has taken a toll on the city, with some of the buildings in Old Havana simply collapsing from a lack of maintenance. But the Cuban people were wonderful.

Walkway, Havana

Havana Charm

Habana Vieja

Bringing on the String, Cuba

Cuban Night


Cuban Cowboys

Cuban Wedding

Cuba's Leftward Lean

Down From The Hills

Two Chess Games

Gaining Speed

Going to School. Cuba


Havana Traffic

History's Ghosts

La Revolucion es Nuestra Victoria


Practicing the Lasso

Butcher's Shop, Cuba



The Garlic Seller

V-8 Cruise

Walking to School

When The Going Is Good