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Deserts and Canyons

Although the deserts of the Southwest have little rainfall, the landscape has been created by water. Slot canyons, which yield excellent colors, have been carved by the few flash floods that happen in the desert every year. Midday photography is usually successful in that it picks up the strong contrast by the strong desert like, and this creates strong black and white images.

Delicate Dawn

Desert Storm and Rainbow

Hoodoo Dawn

Canyon VIII

Canyon IX

Canyon VI

Canyon XVII

Liquid Dunes

Lone Tree

Hoodoo Panorama

Bell Rock

Desert Valley

Flying Buttress

Tracks II


Desert Heat

Drifting Light

Fading Light

Falling Sand


Old West

Sky Light II

Slot Canyon Still Life


Green River

White Sands Moon Set

White Sands Moon Set Minimal

White Sands Minimal

White Sands Dusk IV

White Sands Dusk III

White Sands Dusk II

White Sands Dusk I


